Popular women’s rights activist Esther Uzoma is dead!
She is reported to have died after a surgery.
Before her death, she was last seen at the Electoral Reform Joint Public Hearing at the National Assembly held December, 2020.
Esther Uzoma fondly called “Lady Comrade” attended Township Primary School, Aba, and later proceeded to Girls Secondary Commercial School, Aba.
Thereafter, she proceeded to Alvan Ikoku College of Education to study English languahe and literature. She later attended Imo State University where she bagged her LL.B. In 2002, she was called to the Nigerian Bar after finishing from the Nigerian Law School, Abuja.
Esther was renowned for her quest for justice for women’s right and she had said the decision to stand up for the right of women is that “I saw the evils of patriarchy and how easily it could constrain development of a woman.