Dr Darlington Okoye popularly known as ‘anunkankampi’ a University of Nigeria, Nsukka (UNN) lecturer has been called out by graduates of the institution after his death for always demanding for sex from female students.
In tweets which served as their reaction to the death of the 39-year-old political science lecturer, some former UNN students accused him of allegedly engaging in sex for grade escapades. Read some of the tweets:

Anunkankampi was a maverick, an enigma, a pan-african seasoned story teller &fine lecturer. One of my first A’s in UNN. RIP sir Footnote: Ochili was however a serial sexual predator and a wanton sex/cash for grades pedller who practiced his corruption with impunity. #SayItAsItIs
This man was my lecturer in first year. Funny, Charismatic and Intelligent – Yes. However he preyed on students a LOT. Both Male & Female. From Money to sexual advances. Then he got suspended and I left that campus, I really hope he changed after the suspension.
Sad. I thought he was way older. Though not my favorite lecturer, but I must confess that he was a terrific lecturer and I enjoyed most of his lectures before he was placed on suspension due to multiple reported sexual misconduct against him. May he find peace.