Renua Amu-Giwa, a young lady of 26 years has made shocking disclosure of how her father, a clergyman raped her continuously when she was just seven years old.
Renua who is an art designer also accused her father of molesting so many kids that was left under his care at the time.
Read her shocking Facebook post:
A “short” open letter to a certain
I know that you are a child molester, your numerous victims outnumber youand I remember everything now. All I have to say to you is this:
You, your rings of pedophiles, bullies, thieves, hired cronies and familygang can do whatever you like in eternum. You already do so, and my belief inkarma is strong enough to know that you have already begun the processes thatwill eventually be your own downfall. But lately, I got triggered again intoremembering details about certain threats against me and my siblings youoften made against our lives if I was ever to become successful and return toNigeria after daring to come forward with my truth. I already did that. I hadthe nervous breakdown in 2018 when the truth about your various exploits andsmuggling schemes finally came back to me in a big, horrible way.
So, take note; if really you want to live long enough to indeed be the olddog turning tired tricks that you already are, you would be advised to startcovering your pedophile tracks more efficiently. We both know you won’t; thatis how your specific and vile pathology works. I only feel sorry for thecountless women and men who consciously or unconsciously allowed you accessinto their lives, homes, children and businesses over the decades of yourhorrific schemes. I wished that I could make you a better man when I was littleand had no choice engaging in the things I eventually believed normal becauseof you. Not because you even deserve the simple joy of being a good person, butbecause this already wicked world never needed the vile stench of a soul likeyours to walk it and the day you breathe last on it, will be a purer tomorrow.
All of that is fact, already known widely and in private, but after havingto watch helplessly before while you took various jobs, titles and highpositions that allowed you, smuggle and steal, trick innocent parents intosending their children places with you when really you know anything you didfor money was always a reluctant business front you used to scout more victims,sophisticated scams and channels to perpetuate more crimes across internationalborders…. after watching you do all that and still manage to get away, livingscot free off whatever femme du jour, I must admit it’s too hard to stay quietagain as an adult. Most people already know the thieving facts about you, butmany more fools searching for quick easy money will always be happy toassociate with a crook like you. So at this point, I just have to make anecessary, painful but awkward and public announcement for people inrespectable society to understand that you should perhaps be discouraged frombeing such a homicidal thieving pervert, or maybe at least not be able to asktheir kids to sit in your lap casually anymore.
People make strange choices indeed; I have never understood the adults in mylife who had power to create positive change over certain situations and justsimply never did. Some lack courage, some lack intuition, maybe others simplybelieve this is how the world works and don’t bother trying to fight anymore.Thankfully, the world has beaten, pissed on and shot me down enough (startingwith a father like you) it has become a source of pride, joy, excitement,happiness and even vindictive pleasure for me to help make it a safer place,even just a little, by putting my feminist money where my mouth is and outingyour miserable depraved self to the world and whomever might be concerned withthis message.
To people associated with us both who try and guilt me into forgiving you, Isincerely hope they find either the healing or direction to understand why itis they feel personally incensed to police the tone and actions of a formerchild sex slave, or why they are willing to stick their necks out for acontinuously harmful sexually offensive perpetrator who is wanted in severalstates across the world.
His current piggybank/wife has vulnerable & unwell children, and builthim a makeshift church with a budding congregation over which he presided aspastor and held sermons. Some others have whispered of his politicalaspirations of seeking glory in the footsteps of his father who was once anattorney-general of the old mid-west states of Nigeria. So, sentiments andforgiveness aside, the man is still doing the things that nearly ruined mylife, to others. And that alone makes me sick to my stomach. Someone needs to stopthis madness before it affects a child you know, you knew or once trusted himwith. Several of my nursery, primary school, and secondary school friends inNigeria at some point or the other always had to eventually tell me theycouldn’t come to my house anymore because my dad was “becoming aproblem.”
It has to stop. I did my part in stopping this man from continuing to thriveamongst the chaos and disorderly nature of Nigerian living, both as a child andnow as an adult. I have spent enough years cracking my brain over this andwondering what to do ever since I first noticed and wondered why my fatheralways seemed to lick his lips while hungrily staring at any light-skinnedchildren he spotted in Nigeria, as though he was about to eat a sandwich. I wentthrough hell telling several adults who ignored, punished and dismissed meabout this, to the point that I finally just dissociated and forgot a lot ofthis even happened until fairly recently. Whenever I remembered what he did tome as a child and attempted to tell anyone, and whenever he put me through hismolestations, what followed was always an intense beating that always caused meto pass out and wake up feeling incredibly confused. It was a horrible, longprocess.
I do not ever seek out or ask for any informational updates about this man& his whereabouts as I do not associate with pedophilia in any format, andsimply do not care to endanger my newly reclaimed safety by knowing him.Occasionally someone unwitting might think to use the concept of my childpredator father to mock, insult or shame me. Source of shame that he is, I haveno more guilt or anger towards myself and others who knew better, about this.Going through it all was the hardest part, but it took me many fractured yearsto piece myself together bit by bit, one PTSD flashback at a time, and it was alifetime before I could look myself in the mirror and feel like I fully saw myown face. Entire chunks of my memory were once lost and taken from me, entirefriendships and interests and hobbies and goals I had just vanished and mightstill not fully ever come back. Instead I carried around such intense feelingsof shame, regret and self-loathing disgust that it consumed me most times. Goodor bad, traumatic or not, those memories of mine that hurt me and triggered mefor so long have finally woken me up and reminded me that I promised myself ifI survived you, escaped, and somehow found enough sanity to be willing toreturn home that I would never set foot in Nigeria unless I had publicly acknowledgedthe fact that you continually raped me as a seven year old child until I had apossible prepubescent miscarry and almost died of sepsis. I wasn’t even inPrimary 4 yet.
I want you to know that my new, fulfilled and much happier family is made upof the abandoned projects you neither truly cared for as a husband nor father,and we were the only ones who loved you so blindly enough that while youdestroyed us everyday on the inside, your kids only ever wanted to make youproud. The awful, scary truth is that we would have stuck by you throughanything till the end of whatever this “family experiment” was foryou, and could have helped you learn a better conscience and ways to take careof yourself. Instead, you freed us with your selfish departure and really, thatis the one thing I can honestly say I will never stop thanking you for. Youbeing a selfish piece of shit is eventually always going to be the best thingthat happens to the people around you, because you will always plan to leavethem when it suits you to change “sleeves”, as you once called me.
One day though, you will run out of the means and channels to find newvictims, and I want to hope that you remember not to be audacious enough toattempt manipulating any of your old discarded hostages into taking care ofyou. Most certainly not me. If you don’t want to suffer, my advice to you isthat you either start saving some scammy bucks for old age, or you just find aprivate place where nobody else will be bothered & kill yourself. I can’t speakfor my siblings, but me sha, I know old age is creeping on you around thecorner and even if you mistakenly happened to tap any more heroin from yourmother’s ass to call me one day and ask for help? I will personally ensure youkick the very first bucket that comes your way.
Let me be clear, for summary and support: you do not exist. We do not speakof you. Your name has been changed mentally so that even in casual conversationwe reference you as Jack or John or something, I forget. You need to know thatwhat you did to me, your family, siblings, and all the poor people you tookadvantage of literally broke your father’s heart when he found out. What youwere doing to me and the poor people of apapa & ebute metta he trusted youto care for, not to smuggle, rape and pillage, devastated my poor Gramps. Itdeeply disappointed him; he fell so sick that he never recovered and I finallyremember why you never wanted me to tell anybody how & when you found outthat my grandfather was sick. You killed him, plundered his estates to sell mybirthrights away and ensure your siblings would have to suffer.
But as we very well have seen, the truth endures. And now the truth aboutyou has been shared freely, the entire world now is free and able to makeeducated decisions about associating with you. I know I wouldn’t, because Idon’t. And no matter how many times you call me to threaten me, or beg throughfake tears that you are sorry for everything you and your brother did to me, Iam going to spend the rest of my life sticking to my truth and spreading thegospel of your horrible lifelong misdeeds. You can kill me tomorrow, the wayyou hired killers to track down & kill my mother for surviving the years ofmental warfare and trauma you put her through including your messy stint inAmerica (when you fled from Atlanta to Nigeria hiding from the FBI who arestill hoping to catch you for the crimes of your drugs smuggling and child sextrafficking ring all over the entire state).
You could even succeed in ending me and it still wouldn’t matter becausenow, it’s actually worth it for me to die knowing I did for myself as an adultwhat I needed someone to do for me as a child, and to have survived here now.Nigerians might be an ignorant, unhelpful and irritatingly enabling lot when itcomes to listening to children over the messy adults in their lives, but we arealso a very very VERY nosy lot. Even if it’s just for the gist, people willcertainly have lots of inconvenient, nasty lingering questions about mydisappearance if it occurs too swiftly after sharing this truth, especially ina country like ours where everybody knows you have henchmen & cronies onspeed dial. By all means please, make me a martyr, I’ve enjoyed my time hereand will go in peace. Just in case your sorry, loathsome, dimwitted, tiny eggballoon dick having self still is unfortunately dumb enough to spite your ownsoul and seek me out, pray you don’t find me. If you do? Better turn heel andflee like it’s the FBI approaching. Because it just might be.
You fucking failure of a son & fraudster.”