Friday 10th December, 2021
Psalm 31:11
Mirabilis, Mirabilis Deus,- 2ice
Laetamini in Domino et exultate justi, et gloriamini, – 3ice
omnes recti corde.
(Wonderful, Wonderful, God.
Be glad in the Lord and rejoice, ye just, and glory all ye right of heart)
National Chairman,
Members of the NWC,
Your Excellencies Our Governors,
All Protocols respectfully observed in appreciation of the Chairman’s PDP family.
What God cannot do, does not exist.
“Great things happen when you have gatherings of great minds.
It is with great joy, deep gratitude and hopeful anticipation, that we heartily welcome you all tonight.”
Everywhere and in everyone there’s obvious apprehension of the fulfillment of St Pope John Paul 11 in his Encyclical Letter Centesimus Annus of 1 May, 1991, 41 in which he said, ” a society becomes alienated when its forms of social organization, production and consumption make it more difficult to offer the gift of self and to establish solidarity between people.”
The Chairman’s Acceptance Speech at the International Conference Center Abuja today encapsulated all these and more.
We are here tonight to re-enact a convenant.
We are here to celebrate hope, trust and fidelity to a worthy cause.

We are here to revalidate the audacity of courage, like Magnus O Duruji would say:
“Courage is a necessary virtue in any endeavor,” audacity is conquest of vicissitudes and Celebration of beatitudes, “boldness in the face of fear, bravery in the presence of obstacles, advancement in the midst of discouragement, courage rides the storm, smiles at pains, ignores obstructions and laughs at fear,” breaks boundaries and scales through barriers.
Our very revered National Chairman, former Senate President, former Federal Minister of four different ministries at different times, a quintessential leader and revolutionary with a worthy cause, meek as a lamb, but a lion in spirit, Distinguished Senator Iyorche Ayu, we are most pleased to share the joy of today with you.
Distinguished Senator Sam Daddy Anyanwu as we fondly call him, is an open book. In his quest for a truly one PDP family in Imo, he took the spirit of Paul in 1 Cor 9:22 and became “all things to all people”.
He is ever genuine, believes in the civilization of dialogue and the pursuit of the common good-the wellbeing of all.
To us all, Sam Daddy has become a metaphor.
Indeed, in him, we find fulfillment in the Wisdom of Ancients:
“Let your hopes, not your hurts, shape your future.”
Most Distinguished Chairman, Ladies and gentlemen, today marks the beginning of a new experience, a new narrative in our deep passion and collective endeavor to rescue and rebuild our very dear country, Nigeria.
All these while it has been a long and lonely trek, at the end, we have been able to overcome all hurdles, creating new pathways and partnerships, rekindling hope, renewing purposeful bonds, and rethinking governance.

We are urged to realize in the words of Gwendolyn that: “we are each other’s harvest, we are each other’s business, we are each other’s magnitude and bond.”
Today it is echoed everywhere that:
“Alone we may be strong but certainly we are stronger together.”
No one needs be reminded that, when spiders unite, they can tie down a lion.
In sum, we’re here tonight to show love and friendship, having faced hitherto, many challenges. As always at the end we emerged stronger and closer in our bond.
You are most welcome.
I hope that you will enjoy the rare hospitality of this uncommon team that have put all these together tonight.
Chineke nke Igwe, Igbaputa gom,
Mgbe muoma no na nsogbu, ana m, enye gi ekele,
Ekele oma, ka m g’enye gi,
Otito oma, ka m g’enye,
Abo ndi nso, k’am ga egi
Iji gosi n’ibu Eze
Gbaghara m, nmehie Chineke
K’am keta, oke n’ime gi
Thank you and God bless us all.