Archbishop Professor Sam Zuga has promised to grant all Nigerians 18 years and above financial freedom to the tune of N1 Million naira each.
The archbishop who is the first world’s professor of digital economy via a message posted on his social media platforms hinted on the reasons behind his benevolence.
Sam Zuga also known as Jehovah’s Field Marshall maintained that the poorest person in Nigeria will worth 1 Million, while all social vices like kidnapping, banditry etc caused by poverty shall be reduced drastically when he is done with the empowerment program.
His post reads:
The major enemy of Nigeria and Africa called poverty has been defeated by the Almighty God through technology and the people of good will.
ZUGACOIN ERC20 has climb all the mountains, descend all the valleys, negotiate all the corners, jump all the huddles and finally arrived. I made bold to declare that; THERE IS NO VACANCY FOR POVERTY IN AFRICA ANY MORE. What is remaining now is the knowledge of how to manage our God’s given success and I am ready to do justice to that.
Naira calculation feature has been added in Samzuga wallet for easy transaction through Scan To Pay. This is going to be activated for each country’s currency in Africa. Practical demonstration of this feature will be done in Uyo Akwa Ibom State today 24th January 2022 from 1pm.
For the first time in the history of Blockchain technology, you can cancel a failed transaction and reverse your gas fee using Samzuga wallet. There is no loss in ZUGACOIN.
Every Nigerian from 18 years old and above is going to be given 1 Million Naira worth of ZUGACOIN each free of charge to begin their journey into financial freedom. The procedure on how to claim this money will be made public very soon.
The poorest person in Nigeria will worth 1 Million after this exercise will be completed by 30th September 2022 in Nigeria and we will proceed to other African countries. All the social vices like kidnapping, banditry etc caused by poverty shall be reduced drastically when this exercise will be completed. All Nigerians are advised not to fight this vision. ZUGACOIN ERC20 was created for 70% charity.”
Recall that Archbishop Sam Zuga has been empowering Nigerians for a decade. Some of his philanthropic gestures include, giving business grants to Nigerians ranging from 100,000 to 1,000,000 in Yola, Adamawa State, free medical outreach which was initiated since 2002 has been spread across Lagos State and other parts of Nigeria, car gifts to Nigerians, King of Ejule land in Kogi state and others.
In 2020, Sam Zuga also gave out 100,000 Naira worth of ZUGACOIN to every willing Nigerian, to enable them to begin their journey into financial freedom. All these are in accordance with his vision 0202-2020 which is to reduce unemployment and poverty in the country, as well as raise over 100 young millionaires.