Every October 1st, Nigerians all over the globe celebrates the labour of our heroes past and in the National Anthem we maintain that their labour “shall never be in vain”. This auspicious day offers every Nigerian an opportunity for a sober reflection of “how Nigerian are you?” Do you think you have contributed meaningfully to the betterment of your immediate society? ,”Charity”, they say, “begins at home”. If only we can as a matter of urgency re-orientate our mindset to understand that the image of Nigeria as a country is reflected in the way we carry ourselves in our individual homes, communities, organisations, etc. We can only achieve only when we try. It is impossible to sit down, fold your arms and expect Nigeria to be great again. It’s about purpose driven commitment.
Yes! We can.
We can get the Nigeria of our dream, We can get Nigeria working again, We can have a country we can be very proud of once again.
The 2023 general elections is around the corner. There dwells a great opportunity for us (Nigerians) to make a statement that will take us to greatness. The choice of leaders we make in 2023 general elections will greatly determine the progress we are going to have in the next dispensation. Your future, my future, our future is dependent on who we elect to be at the helm of affairs.
My good people of Ajeromi Ifelodun Federal Constituency, heaven has answered our prayers, what is left is for us to make a move, a giant move to take back our community from the hands of those who are careless about our common welfare but selfish about their personal gains. What we deserve is a selfless and humble individual and not just a politician with no love for the people.
Come 2023, Ajeromi Ifelodun Federal Constituency will definitely take a new drift towards greatness. Together, we will build the Ajeromi Ifelodun Federal Constituency of our dream.
Once again, let’s celebrate a Happy Independence Day anniversary my people!
Hon. Francis Barthlomew Chima aka OmoBarca
PDP – Ajeromi Ifelodun LGA