By Princess Brenda
The People’s Democratic Party rebrand 8 group (PDPR8G) writes to congratulates Nigeria and Nigerians on the occasion of the 62nd independence anniversary of our great nation, Nigeria.
On this day & date in history, in 1960, Nigeria gained her independence from her British colonial masters paving way for self governance devoid of external Interference.

However, recent happenings in Nigeria especially under this administration, one is forced to asked if Nigeria is truly ripe for independence or we are on our way to self destruct?
In the last seven years, Nigerians have been subjected to various harsh policies that includes multiple taxations, increase in electricity traffics and fuel prices, inflation in the consumable commodity and generally the standard of living is abysmal to say the least.
More-so, all our fundamental human rights as a people and nation has been taken away from us which has made one to wonder if our present leadership really have what it take for us to enjoin the gains and benefits of independence.
Having highlighted dark areas where that has been hindering the progress of Nigeria as an independent nation, we therefore challenge the leadership of president Muhammad Buhari to rise up to the occasion and steady this already sinking ship, take Nigeria back to where it should belong in the League of Nations to be reckoned with.
We hope the leadership takes this time out to reflect on the state of the nation instead of wasting tax payers going on this excessive celebration jamboree that has no value on the wellbeing of Nigerians.
Happy 62nd independence anniversary to Nigeria but she needs to get to work!
Princess Brenda writes from Lagos