The chicken abatoir inside Nyanya market Abuja is in a deplorable and unsalubrious state. When our correspondent visited the abatoir where over five thousand chickens are slaughtered and dressed daily, the environment appeared unfit for human habitation.
The waste generated by the abatoir were littered all over with very offensive stench and obvious water scarcity. The boiling pot, filled with slaughtered chickens had dirty water inside

The surrondings with poultry chicken pens was also an eyesore due to accumulated refuse and neglect by the operators of the abatoir. Customers who came to buy chicken were seen covering their noses and coughing repeatedly while waiting for their meat to be dressed and packaged. There is evidently no waste disposal system in place at the abatoir.
It seems the agencies responsible for ensuring a hygienic and pollution free environment in the Federal Capital Territory, Abuja are unaware of the existence of the abatori that is already a catalyst for the spread of diseases in the area. This is a call to action for Abuja Environmental Protection Board to intervene before the commencement of a full blown epidemic in Nyanya market.
See more pictures of the Nyanya market abatoir: