POPE FRANCIS has announced that he will solemnly Bless the world urbi et orbi on the 27th of March 2020 at 6pm Rome time.
This blessing carries a plenary indulgence ( complete remission of punishment due to sins already forgiven) to all who will follow the blessings either by media or other wise, with the intention to completely repent and go to confession as soon as possible.
This blessing is only done when a new pope is elected or during Christmas or Easter.
This is therefore an extra ordinary response to the Corona Virus.
The Pope has requested all Christians to pray the lords prayer on March 25th at exactly noon.
Earlier on all Catholics have been urged to go to confession.
Giving this blessing to the world may imply the Pope has concluded that the Corona Virus is God’s punishment to the world because of its sins.
After this solemn blessings on the 27th, we pray God takes away this punishment.
We remain hopeful as the pope in his capacity as the vicar of Christ, successor of Peter the apostle and head of the church on earth invokes God’s blessings.
The promise given to Peter: ” what ever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven and what ever you tie on earth will be tied in heaven (Mtt 18:18).
May this power be exercised now by the Legitimate authority.